2022-2023 Newsletter
Conception Bay Family Resource
- Serving communities from Topsail to Makinsons
- Funded by the Department of Education
- Last Annual General Meeting March 21, 2024

Message from the Chair – Alana MacDonald
Our mission, to enrich families through positive interactions, continues to be at the forefront of everything the centre does. By creating environments for caregivers and children to play, to learn, and to grow, we are filling a need for today and providing invaluable skills for tomorrow.
Along with the Board, I look forward to future growth as we continue to foster safe and inclusive spaces to meet the current needs of our communities.
What is a Family Support Program?
Family support programs are community-based organizations working with children, families, and caregivers to enhance strengths, to build capacities and to promote healthy development.
Family support programs deliver a range of services guided by principles that focus on building supportive relationships, facilitating growth, respecting diversity, and furthering community development. Family support programs vary depending on their size, mandate, and resources. Services are flexible, accessible, and offered in an informal atmosphere. These services may be provided in partnership with other groups. Family support services include:
- child development
- community development
- community outreach
- drop-in programs
- early learning and care
- family literacy
- food and nutrition support
- parent/caregiver support
- parent education support
- peer contact and mutual
- play and recreation
- promotion of health and safety
- referrals to other resources
- toy lending
Current Board of Directors
- Alana Hiscock (Chair)
- Natelle Murphy (Vice-Chair)
- Karen Power (Secretary)
- Vacant (Treasurer)
- Mary Walsh
- Amanda Rees
- Josephine St.Croix
- James Cartwright
- Lynn Kane
- Danielle Pynn
Message from the Executive Director – Sarah Eddy
I’m inspired by what the CBFRP has accomplished in the last 12 years and hopeful to where we will be in the years to come. I have formed many connections at the CBFRP, from families, co-workers, and beyond over the years. I look forward to continuing to develop those
partnerships and watching our center grow. 2024-2025 promises to be a year of rejuvenation. Our programs, staff, and board will be stronger than ever.
Current Staff
- Sarah Eddy (Executive Director)
- Carol Ann Cantwell (Administrative Assistant)
- Patricia Care (Program Coordinator)
- Meagan Evans (Program Coordinator)
- Melissa Hudson (Program Coordinator)
- Maryanne Sceivour (Healthy Baby Club Coordinator)
- Dep. of Education
- NL Health Services
- Town of Conception Bay South
- Town of Brigus
- Town of Holyrood
- Town of Avondale
- Roncalli High School
- CBS Public Library
- Topsail United Church
- Admirals Coast Retirement Home
- CBS Lions Club
- Sobeys, CBS
- CBS Taxi
- Exploring Awaits
- Sammy’s Climb Higher Foundation
- The F.A.R.M
Programs Offered
- Drop In Playgroup
- Healthy Baby Club
- Mother Goose
- Walking Program
- Active Play
- Busy Bakers
- Baby Bundles
- Book Club
- Parent Nights
- Baby Bundles Info Sessions
- Dad Group
- Nobody’s Perfect
- Roots of Empathy
Conception Bay Family Resource Program has been offering Family Resource Programs and Healthy Baby Club in the Conception Bay Area for over ten years.
The Conception Bay Family Resource Program:
- Welcomes all families
- Is a resource for the community
- Is committed to the healthy and development of children and families
What Happened in 2022-2023
April 2022
-Covid-19 Response Continues
-Recognize World Autism Day
-Celebrate Easter
-Celebrate Earth Day (Give Away)
-Celebrated Carol Ann during Administrative Professionals Day
May 2022
-Recognized Mother’s Day (games online and prizes)
-Posted crafts and activities for families to do at home
-Recognized ECE Week
June 2022
-Recognized Father’s Day
-Knights of Columbus Baby Blitz Donations
-Recognized National Indigenous Peoples Day
-Aztec Engineering completes new sand box
July 2022
-Summer programming continued outside
– Summer Jobs Canada Hire – Jasmine
-Gardening program worked within all outside programs
-Squid Fest Playgroup at Holyrood Playground
-First Chamberlains Park Book Walk
August 2022
-Summer programming continued outside
-Let’s Talk Science Workshop at CBFRP
September 2022
-Back to School help for families
-National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
October 2022
-Celebrated National Family Week
-Halloween Costume Drive
-Halloween Party @ Brigus & Legion
-Thanksgiving hamper distribution to families
November 2022
-CBFRP Annual General Meeting
-Recognized Remembrance Day
December 2022
-CBFRP 10th Anniversary Celebration
-CBFRP Christmas Tree Lighting
-Carol Ann celebrated 10 years at CBFRP
-Co-hosted Children’s Christmas party with Aztec Engineering @ Brigus and Legion
-Christmas help to families in need
-Silver Santa Program
-Virtual Christmas Cooking Class-Staffand Board ChristmasCelebration
-Staff participated in the CBS Christmas parade
January 2023
-Nursing students joined our HBC for community studies
-Nobody’s Perfect Parent Program started
-Mother Goose returns to Admiral’s Coast
-Recognized Family Literacy Day
February 2023
-Recognized Valentines Day
-Recognized Pancake Day
-Salmonier Nature Park Workshop at CBFRP
March 2023
-Staff completed Healthy Eating in an FRC seminar
-Baby Gear Swap
-Recognized International Women’s Day

Conception Bay Family Resource Program Abuse Prevention Policy
The Conception Bay Family Resource Program (CBFRP) aims to educate, nurture, and support the families of children, aged 0-6, by delivering programs and services in an environment that enhances parent learning, promotes positive interaction between parent and child, and enriches the family’s overall health and well-being.
-All children have the right to be protected and to be safe. In situations where it is suspected that children are being harmed or abused, we respond with our legal “DUTY to REPORT.”
Definition of Abusive Behaviour:
Child abuse is any form of physical, sexual, or emotional harm or neglect, seeing and hearing violence, or being left without adequate supervision.
Prevention Strategies:
CBFRP provides a warm, safe, and inviting environment for parents/caregivers, children, and their families. Prevention strategies are developed to support children and their families, to enhance their capabilities, and to support empowering approaches within families. At CBFRP,
There is a complete needs assessment conducted including fire and environmental safety assessments, physical environmental scans, workplace health and safety assessments, and building/personal safety checks.
References for all staff job applicants, Board members and other volunteers are collected, including a Certificate of Conduct.
There is a comprehensive policy manual for staff, board, and volunteers. It includes safety policies for children, parents, staff, and Board/Volunteers, as well as orientation and training for staff, indicators of abuse, when to report, role modeling of appropriate behaviours, and supports available for staff, parents, and board members.
-Programming and supports with prevention themes for families of children, aged 0-6 are offered through CBFRP.
CBFRP’s Response Protocol will be included in all staff, board, and volunteer training.
If a response must be made, parties are required to report, “act within the moment” and report as soon as possible, do no harm, and are not to investigate. Self-care for the staff member or person making the report must be kept in mind.
After reporting suspected abuse, the Executive Director or designate must be informed. There should be debriefing completed, as necessary.
There can be a request for follow-up and a plan communicated to the Social Worker, but this may not be possible or appropriate.
Communication Strategy:
CBFRP recognizes the importance of a strategy to communicate with staff, Board, Volunteers, parents/caregivers, and community partners regarding our Abuse Prevention Policy. Efforts will be made to,
Include the Abuse Prevention Policy in all staff, board and volunteer training and orientation packages.
Provide families, partners, and others in the community with information through welcome packages, posters, AGM Annual Reports, and the “Safety Boards” at all sites.
Use a multi-media platform, whenever possible, to communicate with Partners and the Community. Partners will also be kept connected through Memorandums of Understanding and the Annual Report. Funders will receive the Abuse Prevention Policy with the Annual Report, and CBFRP Work Plan.
Asserting/Ensuring Understanding:
CBFRP will ensure that the Abuse Prevention policy is,
- understood and used
- used to enhance a safe and inclusive culture
- utilized in a shift to prevention programming
Overall Program Participation

Program Overview Vision
To foster and support the positive development of children and their families
The CBFRP exists to educate, nurture, and support the families of children primarily ages zero to six years of age work toward their potential by delivering programs and services in an environment that enhances parent learning, promotes the positive interaction between parent and child and enriches the family’s overall health and well-being.
To provide safe, non-judgmental, and culturally sensitive community-based programs for children primarily ages zero to six years of age and their families with a main focus on fostering healthy environments for children and their families and supporting healthy development and well-being.
Staff Training 2022/2023
– Emergency First Aid and CPR
– Mental Health First Aid
– ASIST Training
– Respectful Workplace Training
– OHS Designate Training
– Nobody’s Perfect
– Mother Goose Workshop
– The Wisdom of Trauma
– More Power of Playtimes
– What, Why and How of Outdoor Play
– ACENL Conference
– Food Allergies in Canadian Childcare Centers
– Supporting your kids to eat well
– Peaceful Discipline
– Learning through Process
– Early Childhood and Resilience
– Anxiety and Stress in Children
– Fun with Loose Parts
– Physical Activity and Children
– Children and Literacy
– Playful Learning Webinar
– Early Childhood Transitions
CBS Family Resource Program
974 Conception Bay Highway
Conception Bay South, NL
A1X 6Z6
Fax: (709) 744- 3392
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbfrp