Please see the guidelines below for the clarified roles of staff and parents/caregivers at CBFRP programs. If you have any questions or comments, contact our Executive Director, Sarah, at 744-4621 or ed@cbfrp.com

Parent/Caregiver and Staff roles at Programs
CBFRP programs are community programs; they are “OUR” programs collectively. Parents/Caregivers and staff all have roles in the running of every program. The children are the priority, and need to be the main focus of every session. Parents/Caregivers are expected to play with their children, and be with them so they are well supervised and parents can then react BEFORE many situations occur. Staff are there to work with parents/caregivers to ensure the program is the best experience possible for all children and all parents.
You need to be there for your children and supervise them. The expectation at CBFRP programs is that children all have fun playing and learning, they respect each other and environment, do not hurt others, break toys/equipment, or destroy other people’s work
- Prepare your child, depending on their age, at home, for what is expected at program. (We will be playing with other children and mums and dads; we will use words for what we want; if hitting happens we will have to come home; at snack time we will be sitting; etc.) If you set a limit like we will have to come home if…, make sure you stick to it.
- Come in with your child and take off and put away all outdoor clothing. Sign in and greet other parents/caregivers and children. Take the lead from your child to a play area; take your coffee/tea with you if it is in a cup with a lid
- Play with your child and other children by sitting at the small tables, doing a puzzle, playing with play dough, talking to them about their drawing, having a pretend cup of tea etc.
- Remember how you feel when you are recognized for something positive. Children need to get attention first for all the positive behaviours, using words, walking inside, asking for a turn at the sand box, etc. (“Great walking”, “Good job. I heard you asking for a turn at the blocks”, “I know you wanted a turn with the truck, and I saw you waiting; good for you”)
- If your child’s behaviour needs redirecting, (running, hitting, breaking someone else’s building, snatching a toy, or other conflict), positive guidance often works; “Walk inside”, “I can’t let you hit Joe; hitting hurts”, “I know you want a turn with that truck, Suzy is using it now; you can ask for a turn or use this truck”, “Pushing made Joe cry: I need you to come away from this area now”.
- Making your child say sorry or giving the other child a hug often does not help as your child may be resentful towards you and the other child, and the other child may not want to be hugged. You can model saying sorry, make sure the other child is being looked after, then distract or remove your children from the conflict.
- Encourage your child to put toys away before moving on to another area (We need to pick these toys up; do you want to pick up the red or blue blocks?)
- All parents and children should be encouraged to work together with staff clean up before snack and at the end of programming.
- Let children know what is expected of them, (Sand stays down in the sandbox; we need to ask Suzy for a turn; let children know when things such as snack, tidy up and circle time will happen)
- Join in snack time, circle time, and other group activities with your child
- Provide the language your child needs if they need the support, (You can ask Suzy for a turn when they are done; tell Ted that you are not done yet)
When families arrive
- Greet parents/caregivers and children. Ask them to sign in. (Provide welcome package and registration card if new family; also show them around the site, bathroom, playrooms, etc. let them know the routines, let them know that if they have any questions that you are available to answer them, and introduce them to other families)
- Throughout each program sit at activities with parents/caregivers and children when possible, interact with parents/caregivers and children throughout the rooms, model positive behaviour and adult-child interactions, guide behaviour when needed. It is important that everyone feel welcome and included.
- Approximately halfway through the program prepare a healthy snack for all participants (water/milk, cheese, crackers, fruit, yoghurt etc.).
- Encourage parents/caregivers to be involved with what their children are doing, by suggesting a parent/caregiver lead a game or read a book, letting a parent/caregiver know their child needs them to sit at an activity, asking for a parent/caregiver to stay with a messy activity, or ask a parent/caregiver to teach a skill or song.
- All parents/caregivers and children should be encouraged to work together with staff to clean up before snack and at the end of programming
- Lead- clean up, circle time going home and other transitions so parents and children know what to expect and will join in